Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Well in continuing the series, here is a print from the 1450 book of hours that represents September. I think when December rolls around, I will post that one and then go forward instead of backward in order.

Monday, November 28, 2005

This is the October print from the same 1450 book of hours.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

This is a print from a 1450 book of hours for the month of November. I think I may start adding some of these photos that I have so that viewers can use them for reference. Let me know what you think.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Well, I know that this is not related to my alternate life, but today, the day before Turkey Day, I decided to surprise my wife by painting the hall and stairway. It has been on my to do list for some time and since I was at home, I figured I would paint it and she would have a nice welcome home from work and so would I... However, and I have no idea how this happened but as I was about halfway through with the paint job, she calls me. She said she had been thinking and wanted my opinion on an idea she had. "What if instead of the blue she had picked out for the hall, we changed to Loganberry?" Now since this had been on my list of things to do for a while, why in the hell would she pick today of all days to be thinking about changing the color?

Remaining calm since she had no idea I would actually be painting today, I asked her what was wrong with the blue. Her answer was that the blue would not look as good with the hardwood flooring she had decided that I needed to install before Christmas! I told her that I am a chemist and I sell real estate, I am not a builder but she said that she was confident I would be able to do it.
Of course, most men reading this might wonder what color loganberry actually is. Well according to a quick Google search "This thornless berryfruit is a cross between the blackberry and the red raspberry". So basically, it is a medium dark red that is somehow much better than the blue would be with the wood that I have never seen. And she wonders why I don't do the honey-do list more often. Of course, I suppose that the argument could be made that if I had painted it when it was assigned to me, that this would never have happened, but I don't believe it for a minute.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Well, this is my first time ever to actually try blogging. I have made many web pages in the past, but never a blog so I will see how it goes. Putting thoughts down on paper (so to speak) is a relatively new experience for me. If I enjoy this activity, I may just have to go back to putting up a web page where I can have basically unlimited content.